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128k (3:00) mp3

total CD time (56:27)

Liquid Shiva (6:09)

Puja (6:48)

Rajastan (5:18)

Prana (Life Force) (6:27)

Season of Monsoon (4:55)

Electric Karma (4:02)

Spice Caravan (4:29)

Agni (5:24)

Ojopati (5:47)

Liquid Shiva
(blue apple mix) (6:43)
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'Indumani' by Open Canvas
(waveform cat. no. 99104 - UPC no. 789069910429 - release date: 11 Jul 2000)

spicey, eastern adventures

The eagerly awaited follow up to the celebrated debut release "Nomadic Impressions" -- from the creative intellect of Gregory T. Kyryluk as Open Canvas and who also records under the name Alpha Wave Movement.  Currey laden, rhythmic pulsations revealed, composed and concieved while in a state of mantric consciousness in the Dwelling Room.

"Drumsounds rise on the air, and with them my heart.
A voice inside the beat says, I know you are tired, but come. This is the way."
-- Rumi

As heard in Season 7, Episode 3 of HBO's "TRUE BLOOD."

another important transmission from: